French Halloween Songs

6 Chansons pour l’Halloween

What’s on your French Music playlist for Halloween this year?  Here are my top picks!

1. C’est L’Halloween by Matt Maxwell

This song has to be first on the list!  I don’t think there is a Canadian French student who has not heard this classic!  

2. La chanson des squelettes by Babelzone

 La chanson des squelettes is always a favourite as well!  It is a great one to review numbers and counting as the clock strikes the different hours.

3. Pendant L’Halloween by 123 Petits Pas

 This is such a cute song with great visuals!  The tune and vocabulary is easily followed and includes some great vocab around parts of the body at the beginning.

4. L’alphabet d’Halloween by Monde des Titounis

This song is the traditional alphabet sung with Halloween images!  I don’t know about your students but I find that sometimes changing up the images makes the activity feel completely different!

5.  Halloween – Chansons pour enfants by Monde des petits

This song has a lot of words so may be better for Grade 2/3 students but it is a really cute video and the chorus is fairly easy to sing.  There are lots of visual cues provided in this song as well.

6. Danse et Fige: L’Halloween

While not really a song, I love Madame Mindsets Brain Break videos to get students moving to the music and her Halloween version is lots of fun!

What are you singing with your students this Halloween?


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