5 chansons pour le Jour de la Terre

Earth Day is on April 22 each year and there are so many wonderful songs to share with your students to help celebrate and talk about this very important day! Here are 5 of my favourites!

1) Les enfants de la Terre is one my all time favourite French songs. Not only do I use this song in class, I have also used it as a performance piece for school assemblies and concerts. The images in this video are also absolutely stunning!

2) Merci à ma planète by Dominique Dimey is really catchy tune. I love the rhythm of this song. The verses are a little wordy for young, beginning learners but the chorus is fairly easy to join in on!

3) Chaque jour est un jour de la Terre is a really cute song by Monique Coretti. It is a pretty simple song about each day being Earth Day but I love that the video includes images of various musical instruments using found objects. Creating instruments is such a fun music activity and you could pair it with this song for Earth Day!

4) La pollution ce n’est pas bon! introduces students to the idea of pollution and why it is a problem. The chorus is pretty catchy and easy to pick up! This is great song to engage students in discussions around pollution and how they can make a difference.

5) While not a sing along song, I would be remiss if I didn’t share this video from Madame Mindset. This is a great movement break for Earth Day that has students dancing and freezing at the correct times! This youtube channel is worth a look as it has lots of great videos for Movement breaks!

Joyeux Jour de la Terre!

READ MORE: French Reade Aloud: Je peux aider la Terre!

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